Milltown Singers policies
Milltown Singers Safeguarding Policy
From time to time we may have young people singing with us. So that we are compliant as far as Safeguarding is concerned we have adopted a Safeguarding Policy similar to those for other choirs. The Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) is Rosalind Carlton who has a DBS Certificate. She is a volunteer with Homestart and a trustee of her local preschool. For more information click on the link below: milltown_singers_safeguarding_policy_2017.docx Milltown Singers Data Protection policy
Overview Key details Policy prepared by: Gill Nunn Approved by Administrators on: 13/05/2018 Next review date: May 2025 Introduction In order to operate Milltown Singers (MTS) needs to gather, store and use certain forms of information about individuals. These can include members, employees, contractors, suppliers, volunteers, audiences and potential audiences, business contacts and other people the group has a relationship with or regularly needs to contact. This policy explains how this data should be collected, stored and used in order to meet MTS’ data protection standards and comply with the law. Why is this policy important? This policy ensures that MTS: Protects the rights of our members, volunteers and supporters Complies with data protection law and follows good practice Protects the group from the risks of a data breach Roles & Responsibilities Who and what does this policy apply to? This applies to all those handling data on behalf of MTS, e.g.: Administrators Employees and volunteers Members Contractors/3rd-party suppliers It applies to all data that MTS holds relating to individuals, including: Names Phone numbers Images Any other personal information held (e.g. financial) Everyone who has access to data as part of MTS has a responsibility to ensure that they adhere to this policy. Data controller The Data Controller for MTS is Val Webster. Val, together with the Administrators, are responsible for why data is collected and how it will be used. Any questions relating to the collection or use of data should be directed to the Data Controller. |